Red Pill Thor

About Red Pill Thor,

At the age of 16, I decided to graduate early from school to start working. My first job was working for my dad in his electrical business. Alongside working, I enjoyed hobbies such as paintball, motorcycling, shooting guns, making weapons, and obtained a black belt in Taekwondo. When I was offered a civilian job at the local military base, I switched jobs, and after just one year, I realized the new job was not challenging me enough as a young man. This is when I applied and was accepted to the 4-year Apprentice Lineman program for a large utility company here in Southern California. I became a Journeyman Lineman, got married during this time, and had two children. After a time, I divorced due to abandonment, and was left raising two young boys on my own. Then, I was in an 12,000-volt electrical accident with 2nd & 3rd degree burns to my face and arms. My recovery consisted of over 10 reconstructive surgeries. Within 2 years, I was working again as a Lineman and back into the dating world. I then met my current wife and married her.

As I continued to work, I also continued in many of my lifetime hobbies, which now included my wife and 4 children. I joined the Gracie Jiu Jitsu academy, obtained a Purple belt, and started teaching to my sons and my friends. In my Journey Lineman career, I taught and flew on helicopters for Human External Cargo work, donned a stainless-steel Faraday suit and bonded on to 500,000-volt high tension powerlines to preform maintenance and secure the Power Grid. I earned a degree from the University of Irvine and got my (PMP) Project Management Professional certification. I am a (NCO) National Crane Operator Certified Instructor, and a Level 2 (SPRAT) Society of Professional Rope Access Technician Certified Instructor. Currently, I have 38 years in the electric utility industry and manage 65 employees. I have also led multimillion-dollar infrastructure projects and interfaced with regulatory commissions and the public at large, to ensure all stakeholders requirements were met.

As a second business, I own the first and oldest Power Lineman Gift Shop on-line at, ets.1999. I am the art director for this site and the products offered. I also run, with my wife, now of 28 years, a property management business that has acquired several single-family residences for the rental real estate market.

I am a rough and tumble sort of man that still enjoys fast motorcycles, weapon making, archery, axe and knife throwing, combat training, combat sports, and dangerous self-testing activities such as flying helicopters. This, and many more social activities, round out a very full life for me, and allow me to always be “Living the Dream”.

Accepting the final tenants of red pill philosophy 8 years ago, I have heavily invested in my fitness and longevity and am a proponent of Hormone Replacement Therapy for those whom need it, coupled with a consistently healthy lifetime nutritional eating plan. At 58 years old and 5’11”, I have achieved my physique goals of 208 lbs. and 11% body fat. This has drawn a lot of attention to me as an older man. I can do all and even more than most of 25-year-old men. I have put years of research and science into this human performance aspect of my life and it has become the most asked about topic for coaching sessions.

I currently coach and advise men primarily in pursuit of bettering their lives and leveling up by using my life lessons and wisdom that was earned with blood, sweat and time. I offer the following in my one-on-one coaching:

How to become a Power Lineman, for a new high paying career! How to get training and certification to get that apprenticeship as fast as possible and where to go to do it.

I also teach men outstanding and dynamic quick study skills so they can understand complex materials quickly to formulate good strategies for successful outcomes in all aspects of their lives. I teach savvy conflict resolution skills, to socially result in successful outcomes and teach men how to interact with the women in their lives, yet maintain total frame control and a dominant presence in intimate relationships with women.

I have been honored to be a member and General of “The Hot Dude Army” and am very proud to have associated with all of these great men for nearly 2 years now. With the launch of the New Men’s Empowerment Network (MEN), I am looking forward with enthusiasm, to growing this unique community, and partnering with other masculine men that can rely on each other as if soldiers in a battle, because it is a war we all fight and we need each other to be victorious.

Take a look at what has just become available on

I have just launched two new ways for you to learn, with my “Long Term Relationship Maintenance Course”.

This is extensively researched, and with over 20 hours of training materials, it is the best Dread game course you will find.

I am launching in June, The Dragon-Ship Monthly Zoom Mastermind Accountability webinar. This men’s only group is an intimate lecture and Q&A group that will hold each other accountable and learn from each other how to level up in all areas of life.

Become Durable



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